Welcome to my purple world...

28 Jun 2012

It's gona be Friday, Friday. End of school on Friday! Everybody's looking forward to the holidaays!

We went on a field trip today. It wasn't one of the best ones. The place was really nice.
We were divided into groups. Half of us went tree climbing and the other half went to this sledging thing. It's like a roller coster.

It's like at the picture only without the snow.
It was really fun. the first time I went with Yasmin and we were really scared. It was Yasmin's first time and my second. It was very steep and had many turns. The second time we were singing the ABC song and "the final countdown". After three rides with Yaz I went down by myself two times without braking. Then I went down with Franny at full speed. I felt kind of dizzy after all that.
We had lunch next. Since I was hot lunch the school provided me with a picnic lunch. I had a ham sandwich with butter, chips, an apple and a farmer bar that I traded for a twix. Yasmin gave me two pieces of pizza and I had some of Franny's cherries.
After lunch we went to tree climbing. It was really boring. I usually love tree climbing. It was very fun when I first went there with the summer camp and it was a m a z i n g at Peter's birthday party last year. There where too many people (it felt just like The Hunger Games) and the level of difficulty went from black to green. There was even a really hard one on which I cried. I was stuck on that one for like 20 mins and so did Yasmin. When the two of us came down (Franny was behind us for some reason) we decided to go on a very easy track that was actually made for little kids. Together we went on the zip-line about five times and Liddy took pictures of us using Franny's camera.
The bus ride made me feel sick. Since the school buses went to get the 8th graders from Europa Park we had to ride on these other ones.
After school Franny and I decided to go to a cafe. It had a very funny name - Happy Days. It still makes me giggle. XD =D Anna joined us. Even though we waited for our food for a long time I really liked it. My pancakes were delicious and the sirop was great! I took the leftovers home. Franny took tost with eggs and bacon and Anna took crepes. All together we paid for fries.
I went home at 5 and called my Grandma straight away. Had a lot of things to tell her, didn't I? pkht

27 Jun 2012

I survived!

It's the last week of school. We don't do anything in class, really. Belek didn't even bother to bring his bag with him today. And since it's the last week of school you can get in trouble all the time you want.
Adela (our dance teacher) wasn't there so we had Mme Roussel (!) and another french teacher substituting. Mme Roussel was teaching Niko how to dance (XD) and the other teacher showed us how to warm up in her short dress (sitting on the floor with her legs spread is a "great" idea). I don't know why, but Mme Boisson (another french teacher), my french teacher Mme Farcy and another guy I don't know decided to join us. They stood at the door and talked. They were trying to figure out how to blow into a strange-looking "whistle" and it didn't make noise. I didn't have a slightest idea what the hell they were doing. Seriously! Why?
At lunch time Yasmin and I decided to sit with the french teachers.
They were kind of confused since no ordinary student would want to sit with a bunch of teachers (especially french teachers). Franny, who wasn't hungry at all, joined us and Mme Roussel wanted to feed her salad. What's up with Mme Roussel these days? She's just hilarious. For some reason I want to have her as a teacher next year.
And today it was our last french class!!!!! It's also kind of sad to believe it because this year french class was some sort of entertainment for me (unlike last year when it was just torture!).
By the way, I got a haircut! I don't have a picture yet, but now my hair is reallllly short. It's just a bit lower than my ears. And it looks very nice! ;-)

11 Jun 2012

The first exam

I remember last year our first exam was history too. It was morning and the sun was shining. Many people were crowded in the hallway, chatting nervously. I was nervous too because it was the first exam I had in my life. I don't know why, but tight after the exam when we were allowed to go to the bathroom everybody went. Many girls, sixth, seventh and eighth graders, just stood there talking. Later, Franny gave me a note from Peter that I no longer have. Then we were called to class and I don't remember what happened next.
This year it's different. The rain outside gives you the feeling of afternoon and not morning. Of course there are people in hallway, but the atmosphere is different. There isn't a huge line to the bathroom and the only people there are 7th graders. We laugh with Franny and Jack during the revision period. None of us actually know what we're doing. We should be studying, but all these names and dates to remember just seem funny to us.
The exam starts. I quickly look through it and find a huge text on one of the pages. That just gets me nervous, but when I find out that many questions are multiple-choice I calm down again. I like those types of questions because at least you can guess.
I take out my lucky pin that I brought with me last year. It's a shiny bee with silver wings and a golden body. Suddenly I think of 6th grade again, I think about all my friends that left. I wish they were here with me. Katja, Peter... Even Tess, Liinu and Ali. And maybe even Raul. There's something about these people that left that no one else can replace.
Anyways, the exam went well. It wasn't easy and it wasn't hard. There were some bits I struggled with, but some were very easy. It was nothing like the exam we had last year, but it doesn't mean it was worse than that.
Tomorrow it's our English exam. So wish me good luck!