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31 Oct 2014

Just Montenegro Things

Came back from Montenegro yesterday. It was surely a great holiday.
Here are some "justmontenegrothings" I made. I hope anyone who has been to Montenegro can relate to these pictures, however, some of them are personal that only Nina and I can understand. (None of the pictures I used were taken by me because I just found them on google.images)

14 Oct 2014

Evil Mercedes o_O

It was so foggy this morning. Now, I can only associate the fog with the Berlin trip and so I daydreamed about it on my way to school. I wish I could go back in time and experience everything again. Is the Berlin trip the best memory I have?
There is a strange noise coming from my cupboard. I'm home alone. What could it be?
Actually, what is my best memory? 
I keep on saying that 2011 was the best year of my life and it certainly was. Summer 2011 was definitely the best! 
Did I just hear footsteps in the kitchen??? Ahhhhhh!!!! 
I feel like sorting out my best memories so that I can create some sort of list. 

I wrote a whole lot of stuff down but it got too personal so.. Oh well... I deleted everything. ^_^ 

13 Oct 2014

Crime and punishment

Before I say anything here's Friday's chemistry class in a nutshell:
(The blogger app made everything blurry again...)
Today I had to go through, what Russians would call, corrective labour. In other words, for the evil crimes I have committed, I had to help my PE teacher in the primary section. Those kids were in like year 2 or 3, but they acted like complete... Monsters! Hey, when I was in year 3 I was as mature as I am now. I was never motivated to do PE and I never ran around and screamed. My classmates were also normal! We'd have the boys playing their PSPs and game boys, the girls in the corner gossiping and showing off their phones and it would be still and quiet. Only the "immature" ones ran around and played silly games like tag. Vasjok was in year 2 in 2011 and that was the year we became very close. I don't ever remember being annoying like the kids I had to supervise. 

I can't wait till the holidays!  

8 Oct 2014

He wants to ask me out on a date

Vasjok bought a slightly strange magazine called TOPmodel that is meant to be for girls her age. In other words, it's all about boys, celebrities and fashion. But mostly boys. I took a couple of quizzes and looked at horoscopes from that magazine and oh my... "He's too shy to ask you out". "He's being nice to you and is giving you hints ;)". "A boy in your class is ready to protect you". Vasjok and I had a good laugh. 
I think I wrote a pretty good History essay on Hitler's rise to power. I will publish it here once I get it back. 
I also wrote a nice article for my English class titled "does magic exist". I'm back to making fun of my English assignments! Gosh I can't believe it's already been a year since I left my old school.
Today I had an interview, more so a discussion, with someone from Futurewise. A-levels for the win! I'm not doing IB... Everything went quite well although it seemed a bit unusual how he was so interested in me. Normally, I prefer to listen to other people rather than to talk about my future and what I want to do. It was quite an experience. 
Yesterday it was the careers convention. I had a memorable discussion with Mark Butcher from WRS. He said that, quote, "Russia is evil". I can't figure out whether he was being very ignorant or if I just can't tolerate other people's opinions if they are different from mine. I got a WRS tshirt that I'm going to wear ironically. 
Speaking of tshirts, my family in Russia is going to get me one with Putin's face on it! Yay! 
Listening to "Dialogues for Jazz Combo" from Bernstein plays Brubeck plays. I hope these are the proper names unless my iPod's being weird. 
I want to write so much but I don't think I should. No one on the web cares about my thoughts anyway. Okay I will write for a bit more.
I'd love to go to Germany during the summer holidays to live in a host family. I was daydreaming about that, but then I got told off for not doing my Germany homework for the fourth time this term. I should really get my shit together.
Stayed up till almost 1 o'clock writing that History essay yesterday. I have to make up for the test I failed a few days ago. The forgotten feeling of caring so much for a test grade brought back memories of primary school... I do take school seriously, but I'm chill, I guess. Although I do act as if I'm stressed for something in front of my friends, who, I believe, find it entertaining, I never really worry about anything. Do I overuse commas? 
Okay I should shut up and go to bed now. I should, but I probably won't. Okay bye.

4 Oct 2014

Trying to do something useful

I was inspired in chemistry class so this happened 
The "blogger" app makes all my pictures blurry so here's the drawing in better quality http://sonyash26.deviantart.com/art/Chemistry-lesson-486176887
I want to do something useful, but, on the other hand, I feel like staying in bed and watching One Piece all day. 
Going to the Japanese festival tomorrow. I am prepared to stuff my face with sushi and spend all my money on useless crap. 
What else did I want to write about? 
Okay bye.

2 Oct 2014

Does magic exist?

Today I was a bit annoyed at the fact that we have to write an English essay of 300 words titled "does magic exist". How do I turn the word "no" into 300 words? 
Went to town with two of my favourite people in the entire school. Donuts are the shit! 
I wonder what would happen if our whole class was stranded on a desert island like in "Cage of Eden" (yes, I am still obsessed with it). Who would be the leader of our group? Who would be the first one to die? Would I risk my life to save someone else's? Would anyone risk theirs to save me?
On my way home I realised that I never listen to my heart/emotions and always follow my logic. I'm glad that I'm slowly starting to become the person I want to be.