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Showing posts with label Marina. Show all posts

31 May 2013


I'm sure I wrote about International Day last year so if you don't know what it is please click here
Due to bad weather it was a little bit different this year, but it was still very fun.
In art class my friends and I got in trouble for using my iPad in class... We were drawing flags on our faces and I got it confiscated for a couple of minutes. I drew this really creepy thing and left it in the art class. 
Hot lunch was cancelled so all of us went around different areas of the school to try food from different countries. Luckily there was a stall with Indian food. Yasmin and I got everything there was. 
This is Yasmin with the Egyptian flag on one cheek and the English flag on the other. We also drew the AUM and the Indian flag on out hands!

A big shout-out to the Indian girls who were there! You are all awesome!!!

We didn't go to our next class and spent another 40 minutes outside. It was a lot of fun!
After school Franny, Marina, Yasmin and I had a very interesting talk. 
I love you guys! <3