It finally snowed. Not that I like snow or anything. Bbbbbbaka.
Welcome to my purple world...
29 Dec 2014
24 Dec 2014
Winter Break yayyyy -_-
So half of my good friends left to these awesome places to celebrate the holidays and the other half doesn't really want to talk to me because they're probably tired of my company. Or the internet is just not working :/
Everyone here is Christmas Eve-ing today and since I don't celebrate religious holidays I'm *clears throat* on my own~
I got this weird eye infection the other day so on the last couple of days of school I walked around with a swollen eye. I had to go to the doctor's and it was quite an entertaining experience because I tried to tell him that I want an eye patch and he must've thought that I was totally weird. I mean, seriously though, it would've been so cool if I had an eye patch! So many fandom references could've been made. The Walking Dead, Tokyo Ghoul, Another....
I was trying to entertain myself by going to town, but it all ended up in disappointment. When are there going to be sales? I started to wonder whether I'm ever going to be able to afford all the things that I want. Will I ever be able to walk into an expensive clothes boutique and be like "give me that gold-laced-fancy-shmancy-diamond-expensive-dress-thing and an extra one just for good measure"?
[insert an anti-capitalist "sharing is caring" comment here]
Merry Christmas to all you Catholics out there!
Everyone here is Christmas Eve-ing today and since I don't celebrate religious holidays I'm *clears throat* on my own~
I got this weird eye infection the other day so on the last couple of days of school I walked around with a swollen eye. I had to go to the doctor's and it was quite an entertaining experience because I tried to tell him that I want an eye patch and he must've thought that I was totally weird. I mean, seriously though, it would've been so cool if I had an eye patch! So many fandom references could've been made. The Walking Dead, Tokyo Ghoul, Another....
I was trying to entertain myself by going to town, but it all ended up in disappointment. When are there going to be sales? I started to wonder whether I'm ever going to be able to afford all the things that I want. Will I ever be able to walk into an expensive clothes boutique and be like "give me that gold-laced-fancy-shmancy-diamond-expensive-dress-thing and an extra one just for good measure"?
[insert an anti-capitalist "sharing is caring" comment here]
Merry Christmas to all you Catholics out there!
"Don't do Christmas kay...." - my maths teacher
13 Dec 2014
Old sketchbook tour!
This is a sketchbook I had from 2008 up to 2012 (school Art class). Let's see what's inside!
By the way, that's my new owl Swoops! Isn't it so cute!!!
On the cover there's a list of things to draw. In 5th grade if we finished our assignment early we had to pick something on the list and draw it.
There are a lot of loose sheets of paper. I think this one is from 7th Grade when we had to redraw this cool Rhino from a picture.
Fourth Grade stuff:
Here's a something I drew on my first ever day of school when I moved to Switzerland. I remember we had Art first thing on Monday and it was that day that I had my first class in English. I think that was a pretty scary but also exciting experience because I didn't speak English back then and I couldn't understand what was going on or what we were supposed to do.
On the bottom of the page someone copied my handwriting and wrote that I hate this girl and I think I got into a fight with them or something... Oh 5th Grade...
Weird collage thing. Okay...
We went on a field trip to some museum and had to fill in a worksheet. I didn't understand any of it so my classmates literally had to spell out all the answers for me.
This collage looks pretty cool, I have to say!
12 Dec 2014
Almost done with the mocks!!!!
The mock exams are really giving me confidence! I'm so happy with my results! Eeeeee!!! *moment of happy squeeking*
Here's me during the literature exam:
I got inspired by all of those "Sketchbook tour" YouTube videos so I dug out my old school sketchbook that I had from Year 5 to Year 8. So much stuff! I'll make a post about it tomorrow because it's really random, funny and interesting at times. I think I'll also make a post about an old notebook from Year 6 that I also found today. It has a really touching story about Margarita and a very strange one about me and how, I quote, "I've had a hard live. People don't understand. Really...".
Peter, I will tag you in this post mwahaha!
Okay bye.
8 Dec 2014
I need people!
Sometimes I think that I'm becoming an extrovert. Kind of. I sometimes have this urge to be around people and talk and laugh and be social. I guess it's an age thing and not really the process of becoming extroverted. I think I still "gain energy" from being alone, like an introvert, but being around people has suddenly become more appealing than ever before. (Did that sentence make sense?)
The thing I fear the most is that this year is a lot like 7th grade. I have this urge to talk to people, but I have no one to talk to. I do have a few good friends who are always there for me, but I'm lonely.
I'm lost.
I don't want to spend lunches alone in the library, read fat philosophy books and make notes about the mysterious human nature like I did in 7th grade. I don't want to create any sort of fantasy world and ignore reality and the people around me, overwhelmed with strange deep thoughts that I can not share with anyone. I want to meet new people, learn from them and, simply, have a different exciting life outside school.
Is anyone as desperate as me to hang out with people and just... talk?
I guess there are some people at my school who I'm interested in, but I can't approach them due to various things. Or maybe that's what I think and nothing really serious has happened between us.
After all, I'm being selfish. And weak. I can continue on my own.
7 Dec 2014
The mysterious envelope
So I was getting rid of my old notebooks the other day and I discovered a lot of this:
Aw notes from 6th Grade. Uh I hated that class so much! All we did was copy things the teacher wrote on the board. #frenchschool
7th Grade physics taught me how to draw pencils and sugar cubes
Other people did the industrial revolution, colonisation... All I did was copy what the teacher wrote on the board about the Roman art.
My notes were so neat!
So neat...
So neat.......
I drew snakes before it was cool!
Colour coded notes wow
I was so into Geography!
Aw so cute!!!
Now all I do in French class is write essays about environmental problems and immigrants.
Now all I do in French class is write essays about environmental problems and immigrants.
I found this folder where I used to keep all the work sheets I got in class. Now I just blindly shove them in my bag. I was so organised before!
I screamed when I found this photo printed out on an A4 piece of paper. The worrying thing is that you can find this photo on my blog. *cringes*
The time I actually got good grades in German
I was so modest
At least, the world should be thankful to me for the amount of paper I recycled hahaha
Everything was fun and games until I found something very very very intriguing and mysterious. THIS STRANGE ENVELOPE!
I don't remember where it is from. It says that I have to open it on the 15th of April 2022. Tun tun tunnnn!
4 Dec 2014
The day 2011 saved my life!
So I keep on going on and on about how 2011 was the best year of my life. That year really helped me out today.
Yesterday I was studying for my bio mock in the library and I did a couple of past papers. One of them was from 2011. I remembered it well because it was quite a tough one and I had to look at the mark scheme many times to check if what I wrote down made any sense. I didn't do much revision so I think I would've done very badly if something amazing hadn't happened. As soon as I got the exam booklet, I looked at the bottom of the page to find the past paper number. It was the one from 2011!!! I knew all of the answers!!! Maybe miracles actually happen. Not really. But I was happy.
P.S. I think I could've gotten full marks if I didn't have the memory of a gold fish
Here's a pic of me doing paper three at the library:
3 Dec 2014
Mock examß
For some reason I find mock exam season (yes, it's now a separate season) inspiring so I doodle scenes from my daily life.
This weekend Rosa and I went to this posh school for rich kids to meet some people from UAL. Although I'm not so interested in going there anymore, the workshop was a lot of fun and I got to meet new people. On our way there, Rosa and I didn't have time to get tickets so I ran outside to get them and the train left. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere for half an hour with nothing but five francs.
Seeing how big and luxurious that school was, I became even more left-wing than I already was. What kind of school needs a circus and an outside Greek amphitheatre? They had about 50 pianos (including grand pianos) and the art room had so many tools, materials and they even had a large 3D printer! It's so unfair how many talented gifted children will never have the opportunity to study in such environment just because their parents don't have enough money!
Okay, that's enough socialism for today...
Mock exams are going okay-ish so far. 34 pages of hand written History revision have done a good job so far. Chemistry, on the other hand, was a complete disaster. Here's a doodle about my reaction to the grades I get:
26 Nov 2014
Now if you'll excuse me as I proceed to squeal like a white tumblr fangirl.
*takes deep breath* NYAAAAAAAAAA
I'm so happy Elleanor finally got my parcel!!! I'm probably going to brag about it to my friends at school tomorrow.
Best. Day. Ever.
Elleanor is amazing by the way! I love her!!!
23 Nov 2014
I translated my blog into Russian today and had a good laugh.
My old posts are so embarrassing though. Way too embarrassing. I'll obviously delete them. Some day.
Some things just won't leave my mind. Maybe I care too much. Maybe that's how much I'm supposed to care for things.
I'm thinking of getting dreadlocks some time soon. Ikeda Hikari has a bad influence on me.
21 Nov 2014
We started watching "Die Welle" in German class and it's awesome!
This week has gone by so slowly. School was boring. Nothing interesting has happened. A peculiar Russian proverb often comes to my mind.
"The less you know, the better you sleep."
My first instinct would be to rant to someone about my "feelings", but I choose not to have feelings so I technically can't rant to anyone about them. That would make me look weak. I'm not particularly happy with myself nowadays anyway.
I always dislike the second year of whatever it might be. Does that make sense? Is it too early to say that?
Everyone is so serious and I'm stuck here with impossible dreams I might never be able to fulfil. I don't know whether I believe in myself enough to make those dreams my goal.
Sometimes I feel like I've forgotten how to English........... Hahaha no but seriously
19 Nov 2014
The time the public transport was kaput
I walked to school today. 10km by foot. I was being a dumbass and could've taken the train.
Just had a heartwarming Skype conversation with Yasmin.
The weather is just like it is in September in Russia. Ah, the sweet depression in the cold air makes me think of Berlin.
It's like I'm writing haikus.
17 Nov 2014
Maths over Art?
I'm comparing my life to an anime series. That's pretty sad.
Spent my weekend studying and catching up on the "walking dead". All that biology revision...
Do you ever have these moments when a memory that you have forgotten about suddenly pops up in your mind? That started happening to me quite often recently.
I want to go back to Berlin and experience the feelings I am no longer able to experience. Everyone is so two-faced nowadays. Including myself.
When I was walking to school today I suddenly remembered how when I was very small, I walked to kindergarten (pre-school or whatever) with my eyes closed because I was scared of worms.
10 Nov 2014
Owlgriffs are awesome!!!
I've been feeling quite ill the last couple of days. Someone literally sneezed into my face the other day. Ugh.
All that sitting at home, surrounded by all the tissues and electronic devices I could find around the house, made me rethink my future and my possible goals. Maybe I should not study documentary photography at UAL. Maybe I should do PPE. Hmm... Does that suit me better? Well according to futurewise, I should be an archaeologist. Thanks, futurewise!
I don't know what else to write.
Owlgriffs are the best! I want one!
5 Nov 2014
Going on a Zoro-like adventure!
Badminton was in a different place today so my mum gave me a map with instructions on how to get there. It was raining cats and dogs. While listening to, what I like to call, hipster music, I thought of this sketch:
3 Nov 2014
I don't have anything useful to say
The music on my iPod deffinately suits the rainy weather. Here's a self-portrait ^_^
I can't wait till next year, but I don't want this year to end.
I looked at my posts from last year and oh god... My photography skills were SHIT! Why did I even bother putting a watermark on my photos??? Ughhh I hate myself! I still used automatic mode back then! Disgraceful!!! I might as well take all of them down because they're so shit...
I wish I could go back in time and maybe act differently around certain people at school. It's not that I regret anything that I've done; I regret the things I haven't done. It's my last year of school (in terms of compulsory education), but feel like I haven't lived school life to the fullest. I understand that I still have 7-8 months of school left, but this year people act so differently because of exams. I really want to go to town with my classmates, but, firstly, I'm sick of seeing most of them and, secondly, half of them wouldn't go because they've already started revising.
Okay I should stop being all "ugh I'm so old I regret this so much". I sound really ungrateful.
I wonder how different school would be if it was socially acceptable to come up to any person and ask them out on a date.
2 Nov 2014
Triangles are my favourite shape (I want to put a triangle emoji but I'm afraid it will appear as a square)
I was thinking of doing a "monthly favourites" post once a month. I guess it would be somewhat entertaining.
I discovered an amazing band yesterday and downloaded both their albums the minute I listened to one of their songs.
For some reason my iPod keeps on adding 10 extra minutes to all of my songs. It's annoying.
I wonder what I have first period tomorrow. I'll go check.
31 Oct 2014
Just Montenegro Things
Came back from Montenegro yesterday. It was surely a great holiday.
Here are some "justmontenegrothings" I made. I hope anyone who has been to Montenegro can relate to these pictures, however, some of them are personal that only Nina and I can understand. (None of the pictures I used were taken by me because I just found them on google.images)
Here are some "justmontenegrothings" I made. I hope anyone who has been to Montenegro can relate to these pictures, however, some of them are personal that only Nina and I can understand. (None of the pictures I used were taken by me because I just found them on google.images)
14 Oct 2014
Evil Mercedes o_O
It was so foggy this morning. Now, I can only associate the fog with the Berlin trip and so I daydreamed about it on my way to school. I wish I could go back in time and experience everything again. Is the Berlin trip the best memory I have?
There is a strange noise coming from my cupboard. I'm home alone. What could it be?
Actually, what is my best memory?
I keep on saying that 2011 was the best year of my life and it certainly was. Summer 2011 was definitely the best!
Did I just hear footsteps in the kitchen??? Ahhhhhh!!!!
I feel like sorting out my best memories so that I can create some sort of list.
I wrote a whole lot of stuff down but it got too personal so.. Oh well... I deleted everything. ^_^
13 Oct 2014
Crime and punishment
Before I say anything here's Friday's chemistry class in a nutshell:
(The blogger app made everything blurry again...)
Today I had to go through, what Russians would call, corrective labour. In other words, for the evil crimes I have committed, I had to help my PE teacher in the primary section. Those kids were in like year 2 or 3, but they acted like complete... Monsters! Hey, when I was in year 3 I was as mature as I am now. I was never motivated to do PE and I never ran around and screamed. My classmates were also normal! We'd have the boys playing their PSPs and game boys, the girls in the corner gossiping and showing off their phones and it would be still and quiet. Only the "immature" ones ran around and played silly games like tag. Vasjok was in year 2 in 2011 and that was the year we became very close. I don't ever remember being annoying like the kids I had to supervise.
I can't wait till the holidays!
8 Oct 2014
He wants to ask me out on a date
Vasjok bought a slightly strange magazine called TOPmodel that is meant to be for girls her age. In other words, it's all about boys, celebrities and fashion. But mostly boys. I took a couple of quizzes and looked at horoscopes from that magazine and oh my... "He's too shy to ask you out". "He's being nice to you and is giving you hints ;)". "A boy in your class is ready to protect you". Vasjok and I had a good laugh.
I think I wrote a pretty good History essay on Hitler's rise to power. I will publish it here once I get it back.
I also wrote a nice article for my English class titled "does magic exist". I'm back to making fun of my English assignments! Gosh I can't believe it's already been a year since I left my old school.
Today I had an interview, more so a discussion, with someone from Futurewise. A-levels for the win! I'm not doing IB... Everything went quite well although it seemed a bit unusual how he was so interested in me. Normally, I prefer to listen to other people rather than to talk about my future and what I want to do. It was quite an experience.
Yesterday it was the careers convention. I had a memorable discussion with Mark Butcher from WRS. He said that, quote, "Russia is evil". I can't figure out whether he was being very ignorant or if I just can't tolerate other people's opinions if they are different from mine. I got a WRS tshirt that I'm going to wear ironically.
Speaking of tshirts, my family in Russia is going to get me one with Putin's face on it! Yay!
Listening to "Dialogues for Jazz Combo" from Bernstein plays Brubeck plays. I hope these are the proper names unless my iPod's being weird.
I want to write so much but I don't think I should. No one on the web cares about my thoughts anyway. Okay I will write for a bit more.
I'd love to go to Germany during the summer holidays to live in a host family. I was daydreaming about that, but then I got told off for not doing my Germany homework for the fourth time this term. I should really get my shit together.
Stayed up till almost 1 o'clock writing that History essay yesterday. I have to make up for the test I failed a few days ago. The forgotten feeling of caring so much for a test grade brought back memories of primary school... I do take school seriously, but I'm chill, I guess. Although I do act as if I'm stressed for something in front of my friends, who, I believe, find it entertaining, I never really worry about anything. Do I overuse commas?
Okay I should shut up and go to bed now. I should, but I probably won't. Okay bye.
4 Oct 2014
Trying to do something useful
I was inspired in chemistry class so this happened
The "blogger" app makes all my pictures blurry so here's the drawing in better quality
I want to do something useful, but, on the other hand, I feel like staying in bed and watching One Piece all day.
Going to the Japanese festival tomorrow. I am prepared to stuff my face with sushi and spend all my money on useless crap.
What else did I want to write about?
Okay bye.
2 Oct 2014
Does magic exist?
Today I was a bit annoyed at the fact that we have to write an English essay of 300 words titled "does magic exist". How do I turn the word "no" into 300 words?
Went to town with two of my favourite people in the entire school. Donuts are the shit!
I wonder what would happen if our whole class was stranded on a desert island like in "Cage of Eden" (yes, I am still obsessed with it). Who would be the leader of our group? Who would be the first one to die? Would I risk my life to save someone else's? Would anyone risk theirs to save me?
On my way home I realised that I never listen to my heart/emotions and always follow my logic. I'm glad that I'm slowly starting to become the person I want to be.
30 Sept 2014
Mysterious package from Japan
So this happened
The package I sent to Elleanor in June came back. After four months. All the chocolates have melted :(
And guess what! She followed me on Instagram! Yay!!!
*whispers* follow me @sonyash26
There's a Japanese festival in my town this weekend. Can't wait to stuff my face with sushi and drink as much ramune as I can! I will get the marble out this time!
I wish there was someone I could discuss Cage of Eden with because even though I finished it three days ago, I'm obsessed with it. I need Cage of Eden merchandise! Speaking of Eden no Ori, I was mentally scarred by YaraixKurusu fan fiction yesterday. *cringe* I don't ship them like that.
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