This is a sketchbook I had from 2008 up to 2012 (school Art class). Let's see what's inside!
By the way, that's my new owl Swoops! Isn't it so cute!!!
On the cover there's a list of things to draw. In 5th grade if we finished our assignment early we had to pick something on the list and draw it.
There are a lot of loose sheets of paper. I think this one is from 7th Grade when we had to redraw this cool Rhino from a picture.
Fourth Grade stuff:
Here's a something I drew on my first ever day of school when I moved to Switzerland. I remember we had Art first thing on Monday and it was that day that I had my first class in English. I think that was a pretty scary but also exciting experience because I didn't speak English back then and I couldn't understand what was going on or what we were supposed to do.
On the bottom of the page someone copied my handwriting and wrote that I hate this girl and I think I got into a fight with them or something... Oh 5th Grade...
Weird collage thing. Okay...
We went on a field trip to some museum and had to fill in a worksheet. I didn't understand any of it so my classmates literally had to spell out all the answers for me.
This collage looks pretty cool, I have to say!
Sketches from that weird museum...

More weird sketches...
Colour triangle yay!
An artist we studied. I think I copied that text from a piece of paper or something...
Story time!
This cat looks so sad and lost hahaha
I think it was the last day of school before the summer holidays and we had to walk around and sketch things.
Drawing of my friend!
Don't know what this is o_O
5th Grade! I remember I had to redraw the cover because the one I drew before wasn't related to art in my teacher's opinion. I really didn't like her.
What is this, biology?
Oh yes I remember this. We had a boring field trip to the botanical gardens and had to sketch different flowers. We were supposed to make them very detailed and I got told off for drawing everything the way I did. Later that year we had to make a 3D sculpture out of wire of the flowers we drew. I didn't have any proper drawings so I made up an alien flower and got told off by my teacher again.
Another field trip where we had to sketch Picasso's paintings and different statues. That was fun.
Attempt at still life.
Self portrait. IS this what I looked like back then?
I drew Jooyoung, a friend of my friend who left the school the year before I came. The thing is she came back to the school this year and she doesn't know me, but I have a drawing of her o_O
Flowers! My teacher really didn't like that.
We had to make a project about our favourite artist. Bears all the way!
Random fly... okay...
What even is this?
That's not very nice hahaha
Ooooo 6th Grade
This was when I did art in French.
I was so proud of this!
Copy cat! =^.^=
Um what
Perspective. My trees look like they've been electrocuted.
We had to draw this traditional Swiss thing and cut it out later. This was a sketch.
I remember this being my best piece of art ever. I still think it's pretty good!
Masks! We made them out of clay and mine looks scary.
I was such a good student. What happened?
7th Grade! This was when I started sketching people from photos and I remember drawing this (what seemed like an amazing) picture of one of the models from ANTM. I tried drawing her from memory on this cover.
We had to walk around the classroom and award people for the best cover and I got no awards for this :(
Our teacher made us write little comments next to everything we drew and this was mine. Yup. "I think my work is very good" *slow clap*
Children suffer from homework hahaha
We had to draw this weird mountain thing... School, why?
B- for my apple sketches. I still hate drawing apples.
Perspective was so boring...
I think my school had an obsession with Hundertwasser. We, again, had to draw something in his style. I don't know where my final piece is, but I remember being quite satisfied with it.
Texture! Wait... What does that note say?
"A good effort" = nice way of saying "this is really bad"
Owls! That was fun to make!
We had to draw some mythical creature using patterns.
Sketch of Yasmin and a strange leaf.
And that's how it ends.
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