Welcome to my purple world...

30 Mar 2014

It's almost April

I went cycling with Mum and Alain around the lake today. I've never done it before and it was a whole new experience. I'm thinking of inviting my friends to go cycling like this.
Today's question is: what's your favourite flavour of ice cream?
Probably tiramisu or banana. I love all kind of ice cream except for chocolate that I just can't stand.
Grrrrrr.... Why is this thing underlining the words "favourite" and "flavour"? It's spelt with a U!!! Stop underlining the word "spelt"!!! Why is my autocorrect American?

29 Mar 2014

Spring is my favourite time of the year!

I had my birthday party today and it was more enjoyable than I could ever had imagined it to be. The theme was cooking, just like it was in 6th Grade. We had two ours to prepare a whole meal, including a started, a main course and desert. After we have finished cooking, we sat around the table and ate. We could barely finish what was on our plates because the meal was very filling. We talked and laughed and I felt very pleased because I understood that I was surrounded with the best people ever! Matthew was doing his weatherman impression and all of us where a bit sad that Charlie couldn't make it to the party. 
After the party, Mickael, Rosa, Nina, Yasmin and I went to the lake and ate ice cream even though I was still very full.

28 Mar 2014

The song #selfie is stuck in my head

So today I have to write about my guilty pleasures. I could only think of seven:
1. Vocaloid!!!!! Very bad and random songs.
2. Kelsey (kimonotime)'s videos. Especially the one she released on my birthday.
3. Eating crisps! Who doesn't like crisps?
4. Stalking people on instagram (btw follow me @sonyash26)
5. Chewing on orange peel. I know that's weird but their texture is just so nice! Okay... I admit it. I'm really weird.
6. Buzzfeed quizzes. I find them weirdly entertaining.
7. YouTube cat videos. They are the only thing that will never fail to make me laugh. (was that grammatically correct because it doesn't look like it)

27 Mar 2014

List 3 online friends that you have never met in real life before but would really like to

So first of all, I really want to meet Lena who I have met online when I was in 6th Grade. We used to talk on skype and we still do sometimes. She lives in Ekatinisburg in Russia and the time difference between us seems enormous. Lena is the one who introduced me to anime and without her I would not be the crazy otaku I am today.
I guess I could also count Maho as my online friend although we have already met a couple of times in real life.
I don't have any more online friends because I keeps it real. Okay that was random.
I feel kind of sick today because Rosa was sick yesterday and she coughed on me a lot. I don't want to get sick since my birthday party is on Saturday. I have a feeling that it is going to be quite fun, but it's a shame that Charlie won't be able to make it. 

26 Mar 2014


I was woken up by the doorbell. It was the postman with a huge cardboard box! It came all the way from Montenegro and I was very excited to open it. Inside I discovered a post card from my dad, a pair of boots and Russian chocolates!!!
Mum and I decided to get cake for my friends at school. On our way to the shopping centre we stopped by Tanigami, a manga/anime shop. Since I am a member of that store, I got a 10% discount on the book I got because of my birthday. The book I got is simply beautiful! It's a Spirited Away art book with sketches, notes and an interview from Hayao Miyazaki!
I sat on the tram with the huge strawberry cake we bought at the shopping centre and arrived to school. My classmates ran outside to wish me a happy birthday. I was very happy since I have never had so many friends before. In the lunchroom Rosa, Nina, Dasha, Frenchy, Gabi and I cut the cake and devoured it within minutes. I also opened the presents I received from my friends. Dasha got me an owl bracelet and Rosa gave me a very cute stuffed owl that I have later called Ashad (Dasha backwards). When we went to class Rosa told me to open the other box she gave me. She made cupcakes with purple owls, a snake and a lion! They were amazing because they summed up our inside jokes perfectly!
In art class I was trying to bribe my teacher with the Russian chocolates since she was filling in our report cards. I hope it worked ^_^
After school, Rosa and I went to town as we sometimes do if we have spare time. When I came home I discovered two more cakes in the fridge, but I could not eat them because I was so full. I also got a huge Easter bunny that I don't think I will ever be able to finish.
This was one of the best birthdays I have ever had because I realised that I have so many friends!
Today's question is: what is your favourite food? Bacon!!!

25 Mar 2014

It's my birthday tomorrow!!!!!!!!

I had my first photography lesson today! I guess now I am a step closer to UAL!
Unfortunately, my iPad broke yesterday so I could not post anything. Yesterday I had to describe my most embarrassing moment and, honestly, I can't think of any. I tend to forget any embarrassments because they just happen way too often. In fact, my first memory was an embarrassing one. My whole life is an embarrassment.
Today I have to describe my location. Well, I live in Switzerland so there are mountains surrounding the area where I live. There's also a lake that's quite cool (literally hahaha). And that's it. There's nothing more to add.

23 Mar 2014

Nyanyanyanyanya fits fits

That song from the Japanese "fits" advert is stuck in my head. 
Today's question is: "do you have any hobbies"? Yes, obviously! I enjoy doing nothing, procrastinating, chatting to my friends online, annoying my teachers, laughing at them with my friends, photoshopping really weird things, laughing at stupid jokes, fangirling, complaining about how people are too mainstream, getting on people's nerves and.... I thinks that's it!

22 Mar 2014

Two things at once

Sorry, I couldn't post yesterday because something really strange has happened when I was asleep. It turns out that the pipes were leaking and the flat downstairs got flooded. I heard the sound of pouring water and thought that it was either the rain or someone was taking a very intense shower. At about one at night, this guy came into our house and started drilling the bathroom wall. The thing is that the bathroom is located right next to my room and my bed is right next to the wall. The noise was just unbearable and I could not sleep. The next morning I found out that he broke the wall in our bathroom and it smelled of sewage. Even though I barely got any sleep, I still had to go to school. For the first time in my entire life I fell sleep in class and only woke up in the last five minutes of the lesson. The teacher didn't even notice. 
Yesterday, Rosa and I went to town as we do every Friday. After laughing at a very strange picture of a possessed lion and shopping with Dasha, Eilish and Keira, we had quite an interesting discussion about life. (Dayummmm. I almost drowned in the deepness my own thoughts.) I told her about how I don't have any proof that anything in this world exists. For example, I have no proof that America exists because I have never been there or I have no proof that my Maths teacher exists. I can't be the only one who thinks that, right? 
Yesterday's question was: "what's your biggest fear"? 
I'm very scared of worms and caterpillars. Other insects don't scare me at all. I will step on a spider and squash a bee, but if you throw a caterpillar at me I will faint. Speaking of fears, here's a great quote from my French teacher: "Les microbes! Je suis microphobique!"
Today's question is: "what do you do when you're home alone?" 
;) no hahaha I just stare at my computer screen and watch YouTube (so productive). I also sing and play the piano (sorry, neighbours).
Oyasumi! Good night!

19 Mar 2014

I can't think of a clever title :/

Today's question in "what are the 5 blogs you check on a daily basis". To be honest, I don't read a lot of blogs and I certainly don't check any of them on a daily basis. My favourite blogs are probably Postcards from HannahKelsey's blog and Xiao's blog although they don't post much nowadays.
That's it for today ^_^

18 Mar 2014

"L'en-vi-ron-ne-ment" and views on right and left

Today's question is "When are you happiest?" 
Time of the year: spring, especially March 
Time of the day: depends what day it is. It it's a Sunday then the morning is the best part, but during the week... Probably lunch time at school ^_^

Today in French our teacher asked us to raise up our hand if we think that there is a problem with the environment/society. I think I was the only one who didn't. When he asked me why I didn't put my hand up I replied, saying that, in my opinion, our world is perfect the way it is. Everyone was quite shocked and several people came up to me after class to ask me if I really think of it this way. Maybe, a lot of people don't understand that we can't live in a "perfect" utopia where no one is unhappy or discriminated against. Yes, there is war, hunger and injustice, but it doesn't mean that our world is flawed. In my opinion, we can't change much because discrimination and prejudice is human nature. Even if the human race was (somehow) to achieve "perfection", imagine how boring and dull our world would be. We can't make anyone happy no matter how hard we try. 
David was going on about how Tinbite doesn't believe in dinosaurs and everyone found it really strange. Well, guess what, I don't believe in dinosaurs either. After trying to explain my views to other people, I realised how strange my understanding of the creation of the world is. I guess after studying religion, my views have widened and I no longer believe in well-known theories even if they are backed up by science. It seems like I have "trust issues" since I sometimes wonder if there is any proof of that the world actually exists.
After being critisised by several people at break, I went to my history class where we were discussing politics and what it means to be right- or left-winged. I started thinking what kind of leader I would be if I were to rule a country. I guess the politics of my country would be somewhere between communism and fascism (even though they might seem like complete opposites of each other), but more so communism. I remembered "Escape from Camp 14" and the way the camp was ruled. In a way, you could argue that it was a perfect society. Everyone was equal and obeyed strict rules; the punishment for those who disobeyed was cruel. Everyone was assigned jobs, so, in fact, there was no unemployment. Something else that existed was a hidden cast system. I think I would also include a cast system in my country if I ever had the chance to rule one because classing society is human nature and it would be a lot easier to avoid conflicts if there was a defined cast system. Another thing I liked about the way the camp was counselled was that there was no clear distinguishement between adults and children. The huge gap between adults and children in our society is just ridiculous. One last thing that I found good in the governing of the camp was that many people did not know about life outside its boundaries. They only looked inwards.
So, as you can see, my views vary once again. The cast system is something characteristical to right-wing politics and especially fascism. On the other hand, even if there is a cast system, there is some sort of equality amongst the people of the same cast, but equality is a characteristic of left-wing governments. 
I am constantly contradicting myself for I never have an opinion of my own. I usually have two opinions so whenever I stick to one of them I feel as if I am a hypocrite.

17 Mar 2014

Why and when did you start blogging?

I started blogging in 6th Grade on a Russian children's social networking website and I had 18 followers! I blogged every day of the year, telling people about my first year in Middle School. I guess others found it interesting because I wrote about living in another country and studying in another language. Thanks to that little blog, I met my online friend Lena who I still talk to on Skype sometimes. Back then I was not really into anime and thought that it was weird, but Lena introduced me to it and so I became an otaku! I guess it changed my life in a way. Another "fan" I had was a seven(or so)-year-old Ukrainian girl. It seems like she looked up to me since she told her mother about my blog and both of them would leave comments.
I guess I started blogging back then because the summer of 2010 was pretty boring and the only thing I could do to entertain myself was write. I wrote a lot of fictional stories and created a website on googlesites where I posted them. Everyday blogging was some sort of challenge I set myself because I enjoyed writing so much, I could not live a day without it.
I wanted to carry on writing in that small blog I had, but I found a website called Blogger and decided to carry on writing in English for a bigger audience. I figured out that it would be better because a lot of my friends could see it. I thought it would be a way to keep in touch with those who left (like Katja or Peter).
Sometimes I wonder why I still have this blog. But, hey, I'm almost at 9000 views!

16 Mar 2014

What's your biggest accomplishment?

Probably The Faith of the World project I did last year. I'm glad that I actually managed to finish something for once hahaha
That's it for today! See you tomorrow!

List 10 things that make you awesome

Sorry, I forgot to post yesterday. My memory failed me once again. 
So yesterday I had to write about 10 things that make me awesome. Okay... Here we go:
1. I have cool hair! It's always messy, but that's why I love it.
2. I'm Russian and being Russian is (obviously) awesome. I also speak Russian and that's pretty badass.
3. I can make polymer clay figurines.
4. I'm quite tall (but I don't know my actual hight).
5. I can draw (or at least I think I can).
6. I am an otaku and a vocataku!!!
7. I don't listen to mainstream music.
8. I have a lot of friends ^_^
9. I'm a weirdo o_O
10. I have a blog on the internet with over 8500 views from all over the world!

14 Mar 2014

What's on your iPod?

So this is what it looks like ^___^
I only have 338 songs! I need to get more music!
So far I've only got:
- a couple of ABBA songs because they make make me happy
- quite a lot of classical music that I can listen to when I'm drawing or when I want to listen to someone calming. I only have well-known pieces that are easy to listen to such as "the four seasons" by Vivaldi or "pavane pour infante defunte" by Ravel
- "5 centimetres per second" soundtrack that I listen to and pretend that I'm in an anime (my life is sad hahaha)
- a lot of jazz!!! I have five Dave Brubeck CDs, two more random Dave Brubeck albums, Tape Five, Al Jarreau AND Michel Legrand's "I Love Paris" (note: I never listen to "I Love Paris" because it makes me feel so nostalgic that I'm afraid I will just cry)
- Yiruma's "First Love"
- Haibane Renmei soundtrack because Ko Otani is a genius
- and don't forget Joe Hisaishi! If I ever meet him I will give him a big warm hug <3
- Astor Piazzolla's tango (whenever I listen to it now I can't stop thinking about the school trip we had at the beginning of the year and Charlie and Rosa's amazing tango skills)
- VOCALOID!!! Strangely, most of them are sung by Gumi even though she is not my favourite
- Russian romances that used to listen to in the summer of 2011 and cry because I missed Peter too much
- smeshariki soundtrack to listen to with my cousin
- music that doesn't fit into a particular album such as Nyan Nyan Dance 
I also have a lot of strange meditation music that I downloaded in Year 8/Grade 7 for no obvious reason. I have never listened to any of the songs because they scare the crap out of me! Why did I want to download such music anyway? 

13 Mar 2014

Any regrets?

I don't think I actually have any serious regrets. Although sometimes I wish that I could travel back in time to do something that I haven't done (like homework and such). 
I finished reading "Escape from Camp 14". I would even say that I devoured it. It's one of those books that leave you thinking and make you want to reread it. 

12 Mar 2014

Something that you miss?

I miss summer 2011! That was when I was having the time of my life! That was also the year when my cousin and I became very close and made unforgettable memories. There was nothing special about that summer. I simply went to Moscow and Montenegro, as I usually do, but, in fact, 2011 was the first time I have ever visited Montenegro in three years. Childhood memories came rushing back as soon as our plane landed in the Tivat airport. I could suddenly remember Montenegrin words and phrases I thought I have forgotten over the three years of my absence. 
After having spent a whole month in Montenegro, I went back to Moscow where I have previously spent the two first weeks of my summer holiday. Vasjok and I painted the cellar; our drawings still remain there today. One of the happiest moment of my life was when Dasha (Vasjok's other cousin), Vasjok and I were listening to "The Children's Radio" and dancing in the small swimming pool we constructed. The only song lyrics I remember are "The splashing bay is where it's always summer. It's where sweets grow on trees." I have searched for this song for almost three years now (that was such a long time ago!!!), but I haven't found anything that resembles it. Whenever Vasjok, Dasha and I meet up we always sing the song and it warms up our hearts. 

11 Mar 2014

Last book you've read?

The last time I actually read a book was ages ago. I don't even finish the books that we have it read at school.
The last manga that I  finished reading was probably "Battle Royale" or "Another". I have also read "Apocalypse no toride" and "As the gods dictate II", but they were not completed on mangahere so I guess that they don't count.
Today was probably the first time I voluntarily picked up a proper book. I have started reading "Escape from camp 14" thanks to the "blog challenge". It makes me think of "The Giver" and that is very strange.

9 Mar 2014

30 things on my bucket list

Go to North Korea

Learn Japanese

Eat a pop tart

Meet Lena

Learn how to sing properly

Create an UTAU

Write and illustrate a book

Shave half of my head

Get a piercing

Go to Japan Expo in Paris

Go on a trip around Russia

Grow my hair very long and then cut it very short

Get dreadlocks this summer

Go to Japan

Learn to play the accordion

Publish my old blog/diary

Get "daily deviation" on deviantART

Go to Seoul and Tokyo for the Olympics and take photos

Dip-dye my hair purple

Buy a vocaloid and compose a song for them to sing

Go on a roller coaster

Go to a vocaloid concert

Make a speech for the world to hear

Get published in National Geographic

Get a pet chameleon

Travel the world on a helicopter

Make a short films

Get two cats, a female black one and a male white one, name the female one kama and the male one sutra

Learn how to ice skate

8 Mar 2014

Happy 8th of March, girls!

Biggest pet peeves? Anything that people do pretty much annoys me. Sorry, if you're a human being who is reading this blog. 

Today I suddenly remembered about last year's school trip to Amsterdam so I went on Facebook to see if I can find that video of us singing. I couldn't find it, but a wild thought has crossed my mind. I have changed! I know what most of you are thinking: "You've changed? You don't saaaaay". But, really though... That thought is seriously terrifying. Here I am, sitting in my bed, thinking that I will still be the same person tomorrow that I was yesterday, but if we jump into the future we will find out that tomorrow-me and yesterday-me are too completely different people. While browsing Facebook and looking for that singing video, I stumbled upon pictures from this year's school trip to Berlin. Now this is even more terrifying. Say, it's normal and also obvious that I have changed since the trip to Amsterdam because it was over a year ago, but the Berlin trip was only in December. It seems like something has happened to me over the Christmas break that has transformed me completely because if you compare the person who I identified as myself before and after the winter holidays, you will see that they are totally different from one another. The big question is, what has changed me so much? The inner-me who has been inside my head since the day I was born is telling me that the person who I was before was better than the person who I am now. Could this be true or am I "overcomplicating" things again?

7 Mar 2014

Careers is a serious subject

Today i have to write about my dream job. 
To be honest, I have absolutely no idea of what I would like to be when I'm older.

Reporting LIVE from Maths Class

I should not have cut my hair so short. I can not even make it into a ponytail now and it is getting in my face. Maybe a few hair clips will help me. No. They make me look so childish. I should have bought hair pins yesterday. Actually, I think it will be better if I do not put my hair back because when I do, it makes my cheeks look fat and puffy. I wish I had my long hair back.
"You ready yet?" I hear a loud nosy voice shout. It is Ritsuka, my roommate. We met a few days ago, just before school started. In fact, I am glad that I got a chance to meet someone before school starts since I do not know anyone in this high school. Sometimes I worry that I will not find any friends this year. Will I be on my own for three whole years? Will I be one of these loners who eat lunch on their own and spend most of their time reading? Horrifying scenarios run through my mind as I am still adjusting my fringe in front of the mirror. I look into my own eyes and remind myself of the advantages of not having friends. I mean, I spent months studying to get into this high school and I have never imagined the fact that a simple girl like me would ever end up in Tokyo. I came here to study and not to cry over the fact that I do not have friends. I am fine by myself and I do not need anyone.

6 Mar 2014

I wrote something!

I spent this whole evening writing a very long story of four pages!!! It is complete nonesence so I will not publish it.
I also have to write about my last act of kindness. Well.... I let Rosa copy my biology homework. Does that count as an act of kindness?

5 Mar 2014

Favourite movies?

I don't really have any movies that I never get sick of watching. I guess I never get tired of watching a russian animated series called Smeshariki (yes, I'm fifteen years old and I still enjoy children's cartoons). I think it's because I really love the sense of humour in these cartoons since it is all like a big inside joke that only Russian people can understand. The cartoons have translated into English and are called Kikoriki, but the translation made the characters loose their clever sense of humour and they are not that funny in English. 
Another movie I can watch over and over again is probably Spirited Away because it is simply the best animated film ever! 
Speaking of cartoons I just realised that I can never get tired of watching Soviet cartoons. They make me nostalgic and remind me of my early childhood. I remember I showed some of them to Yasmin and both of us started crying. 
I think will also have to mention Tangled because whenever my cousin and I get together we secretly watch it during the night (along with Spirited Away).
I think that's pretty much it. (My film preferences are like so mature haha)

4 Mar 2014

Dem childhood memoriz

Best childhood memory? Lemme think... Surprisingly, I can't think of a particular memory that really stands out. *stares at the wall for 20 mins* Ok. After some reflection I finally found something that I remember quite well.
When I was seven, eight and nine years old I would spend the three months of my summer holiday in Montenegro. My aunt and my cousins (Egor and Vasjok) would come to stay with us for about two weeks and, as you can probably guess, it was a whole lot of fun. We would go around the village by ourselves, not giving a damn, stuffing ourselves with ice cream and kinder surpsises. Our parents would send us to bring water from a water spring that was located quite close to our house. We called it the "Saint water source" since we would often find pilgrims, filling huge canisters with water from the spring. My cousins and I loved going there since it seemed like an adventure to us. We also found it fun because we would often see cows and sheep on the street, returning from the mountains after a hot summer day at the field. I remember that there were a lot of donkeys too. During the day they would be found by piles of trash at the lay-bys of the rocky roads of the village and at nighttime you would sometimes be woken up by the sound of donkeys screaming (it's terrifying, trust me). I used to own a huge box of cassettes when I was younger and every summer, it was the first thing that I packed in my suitcase. Vasjok and I loved listening to them and would reenact the scenes from, what you would now call, audiobooks that we listened to. I also had a lot of magazines with me. Most of them were from the previous summers and seemed old and ancient to us. One time, my dad gave me a lot of DVDs of horror movies. Egor and I (vasjok was too scared) would buy as much popcorn as we could and watch them in the dark. I remember Vasjok would get angry at us because we didn't want to play with her. I guess sunbathing shirtless and listening to rap on Egor's SonyEricsson was more entertaining to me and Egor. I forgot to mention that we also had quite a large collection of kinder surprise toys. We would trade them amongst the three of us and pretend to fight with one another. We also made catapults and weapons out of plasticine and were planning to have a major battle between our kinder surprise toys, but that never happened because summer was over, we left and never came back to that house again.

3 Mar 2014

What makes me happy n___n

- Listening to music
- Watching vocaloid videos on nico nico
- Being around people I like and listening to their conversation no matter how strange it can be
- Taking long walks by myself and thinking about how beautiful life is
- Owls!!!!!!
- The smell of spring air and the spring sun
- Singing
- When the teacher doesn't assign any homework
- Being with a large group of people who you can mock around with and who accept you the way you are
- Making someone laugh no matter how stupid your joke may be
- Giving presents you have put a lot of effort into making or choosing
- Receiving presents
- Making something for someone you love 
- Giving in an assignment you've spent ages doing and getting a good grade for it
- Giving or receiving compliments
- When you finally arrive somewhere you've been wanting to go to for ages
- Daydreaming 
- Being face-to-face with nature
- Laughing about something stupid and childish with those who are younger/less mature than you
- Suddenly realising that you have a beautiful life
- Buying art supplies or notebooks and pens
- Wearing something you think you look good in
- When you meet with an old friend and talk about the memories you have shared
- Sleeping during the day and watching movies in bed during the night
- Waking up in the morning, realising that it is a Saturday and going back to sleep
- Waking up to find something delicious for breakfast
- When the teacher cancels a test you haven't studied for
- Sharing your most pleasant memories with people
- Inspiring others
- Having as much money as you need
- When the person you smile at smiles back
- When someone asks you for advice
- Receiving packages from your relatives or friends
- Writing paper letters
- Skyping Vasjok and spending hours talking to her and drawing
- When you randomly find a "piece of memory" you have forgotten about
- Finding notes or doodles on the margin of your notebook that make you laugh
- Messaging Rosa in class
- The first day of spring
- My birthday
- When you realise that it is the last day of school
- When it's summer and you realise that school only starts in a month

Ok I think I should stop now because I can literally go on forever!

2 Mar 2014

Favourite quotes

Today is the 2nd of March so I have to post my favourite quotes. Here they are: 
- I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
- I want to have a social life, but I hate people too much.
- I don't like morning people. Or mornings. Or people.
- Why fall in love when you can fall asleep?
- Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It' shine to be proud of it. But don't whip it out in public and please don't try to shove it down my children's throats. 
- A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will actually look forward to the trip.
- I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way so I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
- Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.
- Children: You spend the first two years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next sixteen telling them to sit down and shut up.
- I think I might be emotionally constipated because I haven't given a shit in days.
These are the ones I can remember. There are many more, but I just can't think of them right now.

1 Mar 2014

I survived!!!!!

It's the first day of spring today! Can you believe it? We have survived winter!!!! My birthday is very soon and I just can't wait!
Today is also the first day of Sonysashtag and I have to post a self portrait and five random facts about myself. How is this for a self portrait? I'm  probably the most non-photogenic person you'll ever meet so I drew myself instead. It's pretty accurate, huh?
So here are the 5 random facts:
- I almost never have an opinion of my own, so if you ever ask me a "yes or no" question I will probably respond with "I don't know".
- I love drawing people or faces and I absolutely adore graphite pencils.
- I don't believe in the statement "money can't buy happiness". The person who came up with that was trying to be deep and thoughtful, but if you look at our society now, you realise that you can't be happy without money.
- I'm used to people who talk about me behind my back and I don't mind it because it happens way too often.
- I don't know what I want to do when I'm older or what kind of job I would like to have. I also have no clear goals or targets.