Welcome to my purple world...

2 Mar 2013

I love spring!!!

It was the first of March.
The cats started meowing.The air started being soft and gentle. The conker stands were replaced by ice cream ones.
The spring finally arrived!
School was fun (as usual). Since we don't have Maths or English *puke* on Fridays, it is generally a good day.
In CSL we watched a video about drugs and decided that we want to grow marijuana. The video told us everything about how to grow it and they also said that you get a lot of money from selling it. Just kidding, I don't want to grow it. ;-)
I didn't do anything in Art class. We drew self portraits and I finished mine the week before. I made it all purple and refused to change it when the teacher asked me to. She said that I will loose marks, but I like it the way it is...
Yasmin and I started wandering around the Picasso (art) building. We climbed on top of a chair and could see the other side of the bathroom wall. We were hoping to find a secret room with dead bodies or blood or anything interesting, but instead we found a place where they keep clay creations. After, we found another dark room with a bunch of junk in it.
In science class we went outside and examined different types of soil. It was fun, but, since we didn't have a lot of time, we didn't finish it.
After school, Yasmin and I went to the Cervin auditorium, played piano, did the cup song and listened to Vocaloid (and, since it is our tradition, the nipple song).
Simply Theatre was unusual. Most of the people weren't there so we made a lip dub music video. Sonyasmin scared people away by closing themselves in dark studios.
The most exciting thing happened after Simply.
Mum and I met him at the airport. I was so happy and excited!!!!
Dad brought me a pink and beige bag, a purple (!!!) purse and something very special. I would tell you what it was, but since everyone (my teachers, for example) has access to this blog, I can't.
Today, the tree of us went to town and Dad bought me the new iPod nano (since my old one broke because of an Indian festival >_<)! It's purple and now I'm listening to music!
My dad's friend was also there since he had to give us Dad's old cello. It sounds and looks so beautiful! It was made in 1804 and is very precious!

I think I'm not going to do any of my homework (although I REALLY have to do my English essay) because I only see my dad a couple of times a year and I don't want to waste my time on it....

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