Welcome to my purple world...

9 Mar 2013


Today was the most amazing Saturday ever!
This morning I went shopping with Mum. The weather was nice and warm. Spring finally arrived!
Franny met me at Starbucks. Ten minutes later Yasmin joined us and the three of us started our journey.
We didn't know where to go exactly. The tram to the hospital was number 12 so we went to the train station to find out where it was. The stop ended up being on the main street of the city centre. Without getting a ticket we got into the tram that brought us to a street we've never been too. We had to wait 20 minutes for the other bus to arrive. Carolina was waiting for us at the hospital.
The hospital was the scariest place I've ever been to. Our friend, Marina, was on the second floor in the children-teenagers section. The walls were covered with drawings of animals and other colourful things. There were glass doors along the corridor. Behind one of these doors was Marina's room. As we came up to one of the doors we could see shadows behind it. The glass was tinted so we couldn't see the inside. There was only one place you could look through. Pale children with black circles under their eyes were lifting each other up so one of them could see us. They were like zombies, hungry for us.
Some children had visitors. A pale dark-eyed girl in a dressing gown passed by us. Her parents were talking to her, but she didn't seem to notice them. Another boy was carried in a cage-like cart.
The doctor came out and told us that we were not allowed to visit Marina this week. He took our gifts we brought for her and left.
The four of us took the tram back to the city centre and went to a nearby cafe. The cafe served this hot chocolate that was called Kama Sutra, so we decided to have it (zoum). It had a very strong bitter chocolate taste, a bit of ginger and whipped cream. Yasmin and I also took a big macaron each. It was very good!
After we decided to go "shopping". (I say "shopping" since we didn't have much money and we didn't buy anything.) We visited every single shop: H&M, Benetton, Tally Wejl, Orsay, Pimkie, Promod, Zara and even the Apple Store. We stopped at another cafe to drink some ice tea since we were quite thirsty.
The shops were starting to close because it was already six o'clock. We stopped at a restaurant and had sushi. When we were done it was already dark.
Franny, Yasmin, Carolina and I "climbed up" to the old town. We found a playground and had a lot of fun (yes, we're like 14, but, I mean, come on! Who wouldn't go on the swings!). After that, we went to the Cathedral and took a photo of us in front of it.
We got Carolina home by taking the bus.
Yasmin, Franny and I waited for Yasmin's mum at Starbucks. We didn't get anything, but it was still very fun. We talked about Sports class (running the mile? Oh hell no!), English class (got a bad grade on my essay? Oh hell no!) and CTP4 tests (not missing English or Sports? Oh hell no!). Soon, Yasmin's mum arrived and took us all home!
Today was just.... Awesome!!! I <3 my friends!


  1. Ohh Hell YES!!! WE are family all my husband,daughter,step uggh u kno wat I mean. Next week will be even better.
